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Professional Corporate Headshots

At Golden Shot Photography Studio, we specialise in professional headshots and business portraits that exude confidence, approachability, and professionalism.


Whether you're an executive, entrepreneur, or part of a team, our expert photographers ensure every detail reflects your brand and industry.

Anton Hat


  • 30-minute photo session

  •  Choose your favorite backdrop color (black, white, beige or grey)

  •  Unlimited photos taken at our studio

  •  Multiple poses captured

  •  Full instructions provided

  •   Select your favorite images

  •    High-resolution, edited photos delivered online or via USB


What to wear in this photo session:


  • For men: Suits or business casual shirts in neutral or soft colors.

  • For women: Blouses, blazers, or formal tops in solid colors. Avoid busy patterns or overly bright colors.


  • Our session prices:

    2 Images $199, 4 Images $360, and 6 Images $480



    Ladies' Hair & Makeup in our studio: Additional $290 upon request
